Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Phamily

So I just finished making a flyer for Kappa Psi Kappa.  I'm not a computer whiz, but I try my best.  I think it's actually very nice.  But the flyer isn't the topic of this post.  Instead it is the work and effort that was put into making the flyer, and in everything else that I do for my Fraternity.

The other day I was talking to my best friend/soror Kristen, and she said something that hit the nail on the head. She said that it takes the passionate people of the organization to get the work done and progress an organization on to higher plateaus of success.  (Of course I may have taken a little artistic license to that statement, but you get the gist of what she was saying).  My other good friend and soror Shenyca said (at like 3am in the morning while she was working on something for PNK) said that at the end of the day, the work has to be done, and so those with the passion and the drive do it.  Yes we may wear ourselves thin, and no we might not do it with a smile, but we do it, and do it well.  "Be the work great or small, do it well or not at all".

There are have a number of times where I have stayed up late night to complete a task.  Or gotten up early to do something (and Apollo knows I am not a morning person).  It's not necessarily because I want too, or that I even need too.  It's more because I know there is a need for the task to get done.  I'm a Capricorn, and we have a hard enough time as it is allowing other people to do something we deem important.  No one can do work on par with a Capricorns standards.  Hell, we can't do work up to our own standards which is why we are constantly working.  It's in our blood after all...I mean Jesus Birthday is suppose to be December 25th right?  Making him a Capricorn and the ONLY perfect being in the world.

But, at least in the Tau Kappa Phi Phamily, the desire to work hard and push this organization in the right direction is not something exclusive to us Capricorns.  So many people who wear the Baby Blue with pride work tirelessly for our Phamily.  Some of us put just as much time in for TKPhi as we do with work and/or school.  We are not paid in monetary compensation.  We are not paraded through the streets or even given special celebrations.  Many don't even do it for any kind of special recognition, even when you try to recognize them.  Most do it simply because, they believe in our Vision.  Most do it because, it has to be done.  Whether you mumble and grumble or sing, we do the work, because without the work we wouldn't be here or as successful as we are.  TKPhi continues to expand, continues to grow by leaps and bounds across this Nation, and continues to amaze me.  I am always in awe when I see the Phamily together, and the people from different walks of life, and different locales coming together and forming something so powerful it is almost unnameable.  The egregore of unity and passion that is continually being built upon by these people is something almost tangible when we are together.  I now know why we have chosen the White Bengal Tiger as our mascot.  When the tiger roars, you know it.  When it moves, you move out of the way.  The purity and beauty of the tiger is exemplified in everything a member of Tau Kappa Phi does.  The rarity and uniqueness of a white tiger shows that the Kappa Phamily are an elite group, with a spark of life that shines brighter than the brightest star.  

I know this blog entry may be a little biased...but baby when I tell you I love my Baby Blue souled Phamily more than words can possibly express.  There is a joy that I get from them that at one time I thought was unattainable.  A feeling of love that is so powerful it can almost knock you off your feet.  And I'm going to step off my soap box now, before I get my Oprah ugly cry on...

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